List of all Legendary / Gold weapons and gear - Apex Legends


Legendary items are the most powerful items that you are able to obtain in Apex Legends. The legendary pieces of gear have the same stats as the epic version, as well as giving you an additional powerful benefit - for example the Legendary Backpack reduces the use time for all healing items by 50%. The legendary items are also known as gold items, due to their colour.

How to obtain Legendary Items

The Legendary gold items can very rarely be found lying on the floor or looted from a container, but if you're looking for one, there are several ways in which you can increase your chances. The Supply Drops which come down from the skies have a fairly good chance of containing one of the legendary weapons. You'll see on your map a blue icon where it will be landing, once it's been announced - but prepare for other teams to have the same idea!

Additionally, the character Lifeline has an ultimate ability to summon a Care Package, which is filled with healing items, and can contain epic and sometimes legendary pieces of gear, such as helmets or knockdown shields.

Legendary Weapons

The legendary weapons use their own specific type of ammunition, so once you've used all their shots, you won't be able to use them any longer. You can't put any attachments on these weapons.

Arma | Shotgun 144 damage 222 dps


Potente shotgun semiautomatico.

Arma | Cecchino 125 damage 70 dps

Kraber .50

Potente fucile ad otturatore scorrevole.
Ottica: 6x-10x variabile.

Legendary Attachments

The legendary attachments make certain weapons incredibly powerful. The two legendary optics enable you highligh enemies that you aim at, also allowing you to see them through smoke.

The Turbocharger, once attached to the Devotion LMG, makes this into a devastating weapon, capable of dealing huge amounts of damage.

Accessorio | Ottica


Ottica cecchino con evidenziazione minacce e zoom digitale.


Accessorio | Ottica


Ottica a distanza ravvicinata con individuazione minacce.

Pistola Shotgun SMG

Accessorio | Canna

Stabilizzatore canna

Elevata riduzione del rinculo.

Accessorio | Hop-up


Riduce il tempo di preparazione al fuoco automatico per le armi compatibili.


Legendary Gear

Each piece of legendary gear gives you the same benefits as the epic version, as well as one additional unique ability.



Cura rapida
Gli oggetti di guarigione impiegano la metà del tempo necessario per l'uso.
Trasporta altri 6 oggetti.


Scudo corporeo

Le esecuzioni rigenerano completamente lo scudo.
Assorbe 100 danni.



Riduce il tempo di ricarica delle abilità tattica e Ultimate.
Riduzione massima dei danni da colpi alla testa.


Scudo ausiliario

Permette di auto-rianimarsi una volta. Abilità consumata con l'uso.
Protezione dai danni direzionali quando si è KO (max: 750 danni).